JUG București ediția #15

  • David Delabassee - Java EE 7 overview

    This session will provide an overview of the most recent Java EE evolutions, namely Java EE 7 and will also give a glimpse at the future by looking at some of the potential Java EE evolutions going forward and explore some new opportunities where Java EE is not yet used today.

  • Alexandru Nedelcu - The Future starts with a Promise

    Concurrency is hard and in solving the related issues, one needs to pick a poison. Scala 2.10 and Akka are shipping with an awesome Future/Promise API useful for composing an asynchronous dataflow, making dealing with concurrency feel like assembly of Lego blocks. We'll cover some problems associated with concurrency and multi-threading in general and how the Future/Promise API helps us in dealing with non-blocking behaviour and failure. The talk will use mostly Scala code for exemplification, but the concepts are general and the APIs presented can be used in Java too.

Întâlnire este sponsorizata de Oracle Romania parte din evenimentul Oracle Java Day si va avea loc începând cu ora 19:00, Joi 29 August 2013. Adresa este : AFI Cotroceni - Cinema City, Bd. Vasile Milea 4, Bucuresti, Romania

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Bucharest JUG edition #15

  • David Delabassee - Java EE 7 overview

    This session will provide an overview of the most recent Java EE evolutions, namely Java EE 7 and will also give a glimpse at the future by looking at some of the potential Java EE evolutions going forward and explore some new opportunities where Java EE is not yet used today.

  • Alexandru Nedelcu - The Future starts with a Promise

    Concurrency is hard and in solving the related issues, one needs to pick a poison. Scala 2.10 and Akka are shipping with an awesome Future/Promise API useful for composing an asynchronous dataflow, making dealing with concurrency feel like assembly of Lego blocks. We'll cover some problems associated with concurrency and multi-threading in general and how the Future/Promise API helps us in dealing with non-blocking behaviour and failure. The talk will use mostly Scala code for exemplification, but the concepts are general and the APIs presented can be used in Java too.

The meeting is sponsored by Oracle Romania part of Oracle Java Day and it will take place starting from 19:00 on August 29'th 2013. The address is: AFI Cotroceni - Cinema City, Bd. Vasile Milea 4, Bucharest, Romania

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