Adrian Bolboacă - TDD workshop
In aceasta editie ne-am propus sa facem un mic experiment. La cererea voastra, a publicului, am readus ca prezentator pe Adrian Bolboacă, co-founder a Agile meetups in Romania si coach la MozaicWorks care se ocupa de developer productivity and more. Acest workshop va fi impartit in 3 parti:
Va incurajam sa veniti cu laptop-uri, si sa fiti pregatiti sa lucrati in perechi. Este o oportunitate buna de a cunoaste si alti oameni ca voi si sa invatati in acelasi timp.
Întâlnirea va avea loc la sediul Adobe Romania începând cu ora 19:00, Joi 24 Aprilie 2014. Adresa este : Anchor Plaza, etajul 6, Bd. Timisoara, Nr. 26 Z, București, Sector 6, cod poștal 061331, aproape de Mall Plaza Romania
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Adrian Bolboacă - TDD workshop
In this edition we are set to do a small experiment. At your request, we brought back Adrian Bolboacă as a presenter. He's a co-foudner of the Agile meetups here in Bucharest and a coach for MozaicWorks which consults on developer productivity and more. This workshop will be divided into 3 distinct parts:
We encourage you to come with laptops, and be prepared to work in pairs. This is a good opportunity to get to know others and to learn something at the same time.
The meeting will take place at Adobe Romania headquarters starting from 19:00 on April 24'th 2014. The address is: Anchor Plaza, 6th floor, Bd. Timisoara, Nr. 26 Z, Bucharest, District 6, Zip code 061331, near Mall Plaza Romania
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