JUG București ediția #22

Remus Rusanu - Cum interogăm un ocean de date - prezentare

Remus Rusanu lucreaza ca developer in echipa Microsoft SQL Server din 2001 si este contributor la proiectul Apache Hive din Aprilie 2013. Dupa toti acesti ani in industrie, el spune ca cea mai importanta realizare a sa sunt cele +150000 puncte de reputatie pe stackoverflow.com

Hadoop ne permite sa stocam date rapid si ieftin, date pe care le putem analizam si procesa rapid daca stim sa formulam problema ca un program map-reduce. Dar nu toti utilizatorii interesati sa interogheze acest ocean de date sint experti in programare. Pentru cei care vor sa-si foloseasca experienta in SQL, proiectul Apache Hive ofera un mediu familiar. Aceasta va fi o prezentare despre cum se foloseste Hive, cum functioneaza, ce este nou in Hive 0.13 si la ce se lucreazaza in continuare. Pentru cei care nu sint interesati de SELECT vor exista si citeva cuvinte despre tehnici de programare Java care le-am folosit in dezvoltarea motorului de executie vectorizata din Hive

Întâlnirea va avea loc la sediul Electronic Arts Romania începând cu ora 19:00, Joi 3 Iulie 2014. Adresa este : AFI Park 2, Blvd. Vasile Milea Nr. 4F

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Bucharest JUG edition #22

Remus Rusanu - How to interogate an ocean of data slides

Remus Rusanu works as a developer on the Microsoft SQL Server team since 2001 and is a contributor to the Apache Hive project since April 2013. After all these years in the industry, he says that his most important accomplishment are the +150000 reputation points he has on stackoverflow.com

Hadoop allows us to store data swiftly and cheaply, data that we can analise and process quickly if we know how to formulate the problem as a map-reduce program. Even so, not all the users interested in interrogating this ocean of data, are experts in programming. For those that what to utilize their SQl knowledge, the Apache Hive project offers a familiar environment. This will be a presentation on how to use Hive, how it operates, what is new in Hive 0.13 and what's currently under progress. For those that are not interested in the SELECT there will be a discussion on programming techniques of programming in Java which I've used over the course of the vectoring execution engine development in Hive.

The meeting will take place at Electronic Arts Romania headquarters starting from 19:00 on July 3'rd 2014. The address is: AFI Park 2, Blvd. Vasile Milea Nr. 4F

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