Andrei Antal - Let's talk AngularJS
AngularJS is the leading JavaScript framework for creating dynamic, rich and easily extensible web applications. Created and maintained by Google and with a strong and vast community backing it up, AngularJS offers an easy way to get started and develop complex single-page web applications. In the presentation we will get an overview of how Angular is built on top of existing browser technologies such as HTML and JS and how it is different (or similar) from existing frameworks like Backbone or EmberJS. We'll talk about its core features out of which the most important are dependency injection and directives. We'll also cover the building blocks of the framework and talk about creating and using services. And we'll wrap up with some demos and a QA or discussions session.
Alex Proca - Stop building your own server! Use Usergrid BAAS!
Build Apps not Servers! Whether you need to support one App or a hundred, Usergrid is your backend. As easy as a LAMP stack, but built for mobile. Get Apps to production in record time and stop wasting cycles writing server-side code.
Întâlnirea va avea loc la sediul QUALITANCE începând cu ora 19:00, Miercuri 29 Octombrie 2014. Adresa este : Opera Center building 2 floors 7-8 2 Dr. Staicovici Street Bucharest 050556 Romania
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Andrei Antal - Let's talk AngularJS
AngularJS is the leading JavaScript framework for creating dynamic, rich and easily extensible web applications. Created and maintained by Google and with a strong and vast community backing it up, AngularJS offers an easy way to get started and develop complex single-page web applications. In the presentation we will get an overview of how Angular is built on top of existing browser technologies such as HTML and JS and how it is different (or similar) from existing frameworks like Backbone or EmberJS. We'll talk about its core features out of which the most important are dependency injection and directives. We'll also cover the building blocks of the framework and talk about creating and using services. And we'll wrap up with some demos and a QA or discussions session.
Alex Proca - Stop building your own server! Use Usergrid BAAS!
Build Apps not Servers! Whether you need to support one App or a hundred, Usergrid is your backend. As easy as a LAMP stack, but built for mobile. Get Apps to production in record time and stop wasting cycles writing server-side code.
The meeting will take place at QUALITANCE headquarters starting from 19:00 on October 29'th 2014. Opera Center building 2 floors 7-8 Dr. Staicovici Street Bucharest 050556 Romania
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