JUG București ediția #29

  • Heather VanCura - Adopt-a-JSR for Java EE - prezentare (updated)

    Heather VanCura este responsabilă cu biroul pentru programul JCP și se ocupă cu promovarea programului JCP, creșterea comunităților oferind suport și leadership pentru acestea.

    Platforma Java EE 7 a fost prima lansare bazată pe participarea și pe spiritul deschis descrise în cea mai nouă versiune a programului JCP.
    Membrii comunității Java și grupurile de utilizatori Java (JUG-urile) au colaborat prin intermediul programului JCP și Adopt-a-JSR pentru a îmbunătăți platforma. Această sesiune va descrie programul Adopt-a-JSR și modul în care JSR-urile pentru Java EE 8 vor aduce și mai multă implicare din partea comunității.

  • Robert Munteanu - Effective Web Application Development with Apache Sling - prezentare

    Robert Munteanu este un dezvoltator software pasionat de OpenSource. Lucrează la Adobe Experience Manager, un produs din familia Adobe Marketing Cloud. Ca și contribuitor Open Source lucrează la proiecte ca Apache Sling, MantisBT, și pluginuri Eclipse pentru Reviewboard și MantisBT. Puteți să-i urmăriți activitatea publică la adresa http://robert.muntea.nu/. A mai ținut prezentări la conferințe ca adaptTo Berlin 2013 ( Sling IDE Tooling ) și TopConf Bucharest 2014 ( Apache Jackrabbit Oak - Scale your content repository to the cloud ).

    Apache Sling este un 'framework' pentru aplicații web construit peste the Java Content Repository (JCR), care folosește OSGi ca model de componente și care încurajează dezvoltarea aplicațiilor REST. Această prezentare vă va arăta cum sunt integrate foarte natural, tehnologiile standard ca JCR și OSGi într-un framework pentru aplicații web ca Sling. Vom parcurge pas cu pas dezvoltarea unei aplicații simple și veți observa cum putem dezvolta aplicații web cu minim efort folosing Sling. Vom acorda o atenție deosebită unor abordări care nu sunt încă utilizate în mod frecvent, cum ar fi OSGi pentru înjecția dependințelor și JCR pentru persistență.

Întâlnirea va avea loc la sediul Electronic Arts Romania începând cu ora 19:00, Joi 22 Ianuarie 2014. Adresa este : AFI Park 2, Blvd. Vasile Milea Nr. 4F

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Bucharest JUG edition #29

  • Heather VanCura - Adopt-a-JSR for Java EE - slides (updated)

    Heather VanCura manages the JCP Program Office and is responsible for the day-to-day nurturing, support, and leadership of the community. She oversees the JCP.org web site, JSR management and posting, community building, events, marketing, communications, and growth of the membership through new members and renewals. Heather has a front row seat for studying trends within the community and recommending changes. Several changes to the program in recent years have included enabling broader participation, increased transparency and agility in JSR development. When Heather joined the PMO staff in a community building marketing manager role for the JCP program, she was responsible for establishing the JCP brand logo programs, the JCP.org site, and engaging the community in online surveys and usability studies. She also developed marketing reward programs, campaigns, sponsorships, and events for the JCP program, including the community gathering at the annual JavaOne Conference. Before arriving at the JCP community in 2000, Heather worked with various technology companies. Heather enjoys speaking at conferences, such as Devoxx, Java Zone, and the JavaOne Conferences. She maintains the JCP Blog, Twitter feed (@jcp_org) and Facebook page. Heather resides in the San Francisco Bay Area, California USA.

    Java EE 7 was the first Java release to harness the power of the transparency and participation requirement of the latest version of the JCP program. Community members and Java user groups (JUGs) worked together through the JCP program and the Adopt-a-JSR program to improve the platform and bring greater levels of participation and community feedback into the release. This session discusses the Adopt-a-JSR program and looks at how the planned Java EE 8 JSRs will feature even greater community participation in this release through the Adopt-a-JSR program.

  • Robert Munteanu - Effective Web Application Development with Apache Sling - slides

    Robert Munteanu is a software developer with a passion for Open Source. He works as a senior computer scientist on the Adobe Experience Manager, part of the Adobe Marketing Cloud. A frequent Open Source contributor, he focuses his efforts on projects such as Apache Sling, MantisBT, the Eclipse plugin for Reviewboard and the Eclipse plugin for MantisBT. He keep track of all his public activities at http://robert.muntea.nu/. Recent conference talks include adaptTo Berlin 2013 ( Sling IDE Tooling ) and TopConf Bucharest 2014 ( Apache Jackrabbit Oak - Scale your content repository to the cloud ).

    Apache Sling is an innovative web framework built on top of the Java Content Repository (JCR), that uses OSGi for its component model and fosters RESTful application design. This talk shows how Sling integrates various standard-based technologies, like OSGi and the Content Repository API for Java to create a coherent framework for web application development. We will walk through the development of a simple application with minimal effort and demonstrate how to productize the resulting application. We will pay special attention to some approaches which are not yet part of mainstream development, such as using OSGi for dependecy injection and JCR for persistence.

The meeting will take place at Electronic Arts Romania headquarters starting from 19:00 on January 22nd 2014. The address is: AFI Park 2, Blvd. Vasile Milea Nr. 4F

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